Welcome to the first entry on the blog. I'm Jules, Manager of Cumbria's Museum of Military Life and have set up this blog to engage with folk in the outside world. Yes, the outside world...something which is all upsidedown and back-to-front at the moment! So I thought that as we all have to adapt to less toilet rolls in the shops and copious amounts of daytime telly, a little light relief may make someone smile.So it's day one. Why the photo of me with several mannequins (or could they be ex-members of staff??) taken outside the Museum? Well, these old timers were taken away by our wonderful volunteer John who is going to use them for archery target practise. We did think these could help us through this on-going crisis but there comes a time when you have to say goodbye to these gorgeous dummies. That time is now. Like many Museums we have had to 'make do and mend' using and reusing items to help with displays. In 2014 we moved in to Alma Block within Carlisle Castle, helped with a generous grant from HLF. This enabled us to upgrade. Somehow these crafty mannequins got hidden away in our attic space, so on a recent tidying spree they were destined to become archery fodder. There comes a time...
Would like to introduce you, dear reader, to our wonderful Museum which is run by our equally wonderful staff team. From drums to medals, uniforms to weapons the Museum is packed with objects, archives, photos and most importantly stories. We are lucky to have the support of many veterans and visitors who add to the illustrious history which we are custodians of. So hang on in there. Over the next few day/weeks/months (delete as appropriate) I'll be chatting to you about what is happening and pulling out some of our stories, helped by Angela, Matt and Nick who are all part of the Museum team.
Stay safe folks and keep smiling!
I like it Jules. M