Run for the World
Sunday night and I've not written this post. Which is not a good move when I was trying to keep on top of writing daily. No excuses - I've been at the laptop most of the day researching and writing a funding application, the weather has been cloudy and I haven't had the urrge to be outside. Should have nailed the blog post by lunchtime.
I was reminded that today was the original London Marathon date, another sporting victim of the COVID-19 situation. I received my yearly phone call from my friend who ran it with me in 1996 - the usual joke call that mentions vaseline, queueing for toilets, sprinting for the finish. Made me smile and remember the 26+ miles ran all those years ago, the training and the feeling of elation when I completed it. Infact, I was that elated that I undertook London again the following year. The only two marathons I ever attempted. Don't know whether I am up to that sort of mileage now. I am not designed for long distance running.
I noticed the London Marathon has been rescheduled for the 4 October. I am not sure whether my early morning Government approved exercise every other day would quite make the grade as training for the 26 miles!
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