Is it Wednesday?
I don't know about anyone else but my week seems to be turning into one long series of days. There is no definative weekend, no start of the week and therefore no end either. The only activity that helps me identify where I am in this onslaught of days, is my weekly wednesday visit to Sainsbury's and my thursday team catch-up followed by the weekly on-line Veteran's hub gathering. I do have other activity scheduled throughout the week, mostly virtual catchup with friends or work related meetings. And this evening is one of those catchup friends meetings - the first between the three of us. The glass of wine is ready.
These lovely ladies have become firm friends, strengthened by our connection through the Historical Association. All three of us sat on the Primary committee of the HA, which Bev now chairs. We all have a strong love of history and are passionate about sharing this love. Both Sue and Bev are university lecturers who teach on the Primary Education course at their respective universities. Sharing our historical passion with student teachers has led to some fun times, whether dressed as Tudors for a Tudor Christmas workshop or taking students to the WW1 battlefields. Their enthusiasm is infectious and inspiring.
So this evening we caught up, chatted, sipped a little vino and did some reminiscing. Did we remember our time at the Historical Association conference in Harrogate? Turning up at the hotel in May to find our conference was following a Christmas themed business conference complete with festive trees? Or the time Sue and I went to the Yorkshire History Forum in Leeds and got caught up in the flooding on the way back to Cumbria, having to spend the night in two cars in a Pub car park? My time at the HA has come to an end but I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience. Writing several articles for the Primary Journal, delivering workshops at the HA annual conference and becoming a Fellow of the Association have been wonderful. And my opportunities have been in no small part to the support and friendship of these lovely ladies, and for that I am very grateful.
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