The Sunday Evening Slow Down

It is Sunday evening. Traditionally a time for preparing for the new working week. As a family we like to chill on Sunday evenings. We always have our main meal around 6pm then relax usually watching a bit of TV. Of course, with lockdown and the current situation our normal routines have altered and adapted. At the moment there is no pressure to be ready for the new working week. 

Today started with a video call to New Zealand, chatting to our friends and checking they are all okay. About to come out of more restrictions, they enquire about the situation in the UK and we compare notes. It is always good to catch up. This was followed by a little baking fest by yours truly. Using up some ready made pastry I tackled frangipane, the first time I have made this dish. Not bad. Back to the big photograph sort out. The floor is now covered with negatives, photos and memories. I seem to be embroiled in a vicious circle of nostalgia which is quite time consuming! A little time in the garden, then it was back to the kitchen to prepare tea. The day had all but disappeared.

Currently, there is no need to sort out Monday's lunch box, prepare the work bag or finalise bits of work that I might have needed to do over the weekend. I can leave my photos all over the floor as I can tackle that task tomorrow. I only need to sort out my casual trousers and sweatshirt for a relaxed start to the week, not iron my work polo shirt or press my trousers. Apparently, next weekend is a bank holiday but that will make little difference to my lockdown calendar. It is amazing how I have slipped into a new routine. I have almost forgotten what going out to work daily is like!

Not everyone in the household is on lockdown though. My other half is still working, fixing broadband and telephones for essential communications that people rely on during the coronavirus. He still goes out daily with lunchbox and computer. So for him, Sunday evening is still that valuable relax time before work on Monday. A time to recharge his batteries before returning to work tomorrow.


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