Museum Archives

I am currently putting together a display to commemorate VJ day in August. Whilst on furlough, I have been reading various autobiographies and regimental histories to give me some background. More recently, I have been writing panels for the display to give it some context.

One of the panels shows the link between the Regiment with the Castle. Carlisle Castle was the depot of the Border Regiment until 1959 and as this display will be put together outside the Museum building, it is important to make the connection with why we are putting on this commemorative display at the Castle. I returned to the Castle exhibition that was displayed at the Museum a few years ago. This showed a range of photos and resources that provided source material for this exhibition and I wanted to use some of it for this exhibition.

Imagine the excitement when I saw the scan of this document, a 1950s pamphlet for an open day at the Castle. What it highlighted was the various uses of the buildings within the Castle complex. Interesting to see that there were cells, a hospital and a library. Alma Block, where the Museum is currently based, was a Regimental Institute which hosted a dining room and the NAAFI. The document highlights how well used the various buildings were within the Castle.

The Museum houses various archives within its collections which show the wide and varied history of the Regiment. We are lucky that we have some documents to provide a bit of context to the various exhibitions and displays that we develop. These exhibitions and displays give us the opportunity to share these archives and our photographs with a wider audience. We are keen to showcase the wide variety of stuff we hold. The VJ exhibition will be the next opportunity which will allow us to do that.


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