Visitor Feedback
I like to keep an eye on feedback from our visitors, checking that they have had an enjoyable visit and there were no problems. Several months ago, we introduced a visitors book by the reception desk but unfortunately, that fell victim to the pandemic and had to be removed.
We are aware that people like to research before they visit places and the staff are great at keeping an eye on trip advisor. Posts often get the Museum confused with the Castle (understandably) but we like to make sure that we respond to any comments so people know that we are listening to them.
At the present time, it is important for us to have an on-line presence with people still a little reticent in venturing out. Comments like this:
Fascinating military museum with lots for the whole family, beautifully laid out with very approachable staff. Highly recommended
all help to give people an insight into our product. Yes, it is worth visiting Alma Block to see our great little Museum.
Our visitor numbers are slowly increasing and it is noticeable that the vast majority of our current visitors are folk on their holidays. Yesterday, whilst working on reception for an hour, I noted visitors from Devon, York, Kent and Manchester but none from Cumbria. One area we are suffering from most are the lack of international tourists.
So it is important that we ensure we get it right, that visitors feel safe and comfortable whilst having an enjoyable visit. If people find something not to their liking, then it is our job to sort it out and reassure folk that we have their best interests at heart.
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