Why not Come and Visit the Museum?

Day five of opening. It's been a slow start but as people feel more confident, visitor footfall should increase. Our new way of operating is going well. Social distancing, regular cleaning, our reception screen...all our hard work has paid off and gives people confidence when they visit.

But we know that we need to encourage people to come to the Castle. We were visited last week by the City Council who are producing short videos about aspects of the City to encourage people to visit Carlisle. Both myself and John, the site manager, were interviewed for the film but after three months of furlough, we both found it difficult to be interviewed! Having to think and talk at the same time was a skill that I struggled with but we both did our best and hope it gives a little insight to the site. Hardly Shakespeare, but I managed to string a couple of sentences together...

Want to have a quick look yourselves? Follow the link below and have a wee look!


Any Hollywood directors out there? I am available for cameo roles on any blockbusters. Just phone the Museum during opening hours!


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