This is Claude...

Claude is social distancing in my office.  He has no other mannequins or staff members near him.  Claude is doing as he is told by Public Health England.  He does not want to catch or spread the virus. Be like Claude.

I had hoped to enlist him into my attempt to contact various organisations and Government agencies today.  Listening to 'on hold' music repeated constantly on the phone for over an hour and still not getting a reply really made my day.  I had to eat another piece of emergency cake to recover.

I am still recovering but realise that I am not alone in the 'sorting out the fallout from the virus' situation. I expect many of you have been phoning, emailing and looking for support too.  If so, you may have been put through the torture of music whilst you wait.  So what is the worst 'on hold' music that you have been exposed too?  Some philamonic orchestra playing Mozart or Beethoven?  A Beatles classic? A little Oasis or maybe The Carpenters?  Not quite sure what was being broadcast by HMRC today but after hearing it for over 60 minutes it was becoming really annoying.  Not even Claude could help me out here.

Although he doesn't offer me much help, what I like about Claude is he sits quietly in the corner of my office (we have no-where else to keep him at present) and often startles folk when they pop up the stairs to pay me a visit.  He has quite an alluring manner looking into the distance and of course, I don't get any back chat from him. But over the months and years that he has sat quietly in the corner I've noticed that I have begun to talk to him.  Recently, these one-sided conversations seemed to have increased and I am waiting for someone to overhear them, or even worse...for Claude to answer me.  After all we are located in a building within a Castle and I have always had a vivid imagination!


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