The Return of the Rabbits

It doesn't seem five minutes since our knitted friends made an appearance on one of my blog posts. But then in April last year who would have thought that we would be in a lockdown 12 months later?  Our wee bunnies have once again become the theme of our social media over the Easter weekend. A little bit of fun both for staff and our virtual audience. 

Several weeks ago we realised that we were in the same position as last year and would not be able to host an Easter trail for visitors in the Museum. However, last year we realised just before lockdown1, managed to photograph rabbits and put together a family-friendly trail before we retreated to our own homes. This year, it was not so easy and photographing the rabbits had to be undertaken during a weekly check of the Museum.

So thanks to Angela who took on the challenge of photographing the bunnies round the gallery and then came up with the 'Elf on the Shelf' idea, pulling together a week of cheeky bunny posts. Working with Matt and Nick, in their respective homes, the text was fine-tuned to provide a little light relief over the bank holiday weekend. And, of course, the bunnies earn their wages for their annual task of entertaining people!

Hopefully, next year the cute cottontails will be able to emerge from their digital media stardom and entertain physical visitors in the Museum. But for now they will have to be content with playing in the empty gallery space waiting for us to open the doors to visitors when it is safe to do so...



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